Cooperative: The Destination Chapter 1 James looked up and flinched, sending the ultralight aircraft into a...
Book 1: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Chapter 2: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Chapter 2 “Thursday Special, please.” Cory wiggled his chair a little, making...
Chapter 3: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Chapter 3 “I just arrived at the market.” James put his car in park. “We’re still...
Chapter 4: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Chapter 4 “Dude, you’re a mess.” Cory looked out from under the ultralight. He...
Snippet 1: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Snippet 1 - James meets Steven “I think I tracked down the integration issue,”...
Snippet 2: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Snippet 2 - James reunited with Aris “Cory, are you getting my feed?” James banked...
Snippet 3: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Snippet 3 - James bonds with Aris James squirmed a little. Something was holding...
Snippet 4: Cooperative ~ The Destination
Cooperative: The Destination Snippet 4 - James and Aris embark on quest James snorted and opened his eyes. A...